Farming in Sennen
The Vingoe's or their descendents have farmed in Sennen for hundreds of years. Today whilst the Vingoe name connection to the actual Lands End may have gone, its connection with the land at Trevescan, and indeed Trevilley is not extinct. Below I give a list of fields farmed by Israel Vingoe in 1838, his descendants via the female line still farm these fields, amongst others and a field at Trevilley is called 'Israel's Craft'- given the complex pattern of land tenure in times passed it is quite possible that this field was his also.
let us start the Farming story in
early august 1662,
What William Shellink saw was a strip system of farming in which different people owned different sections or fields. This was due to the hereditary system adopted by the Cornish which was carried on until the nineteenth century. Unlike the English system where the eldest son tended to inherit all, in Cornwall the farms were split amongst the children.An example of this is shown in the wills of John and Jone Vingoe.
John's will is dated 1657. five years before Shellink visited the Lands End, The copy we have is very hard to read but we have gleaned the following from it.
I John Vingoe of the parish of Stining in the County of Cornwall being sick of body and not of mind and the fore mentioned so mindful ........ our last Will and Testament, I Bequeath my body ..... unto ministry..... and christian burial and this is my will as followeth.
From John to Jone Vingoe my wife all freehold estate of freehold living for remainder of her natural life. And the aforesaid John give half of the tenement justly in trust to William Vingoe, Jenkyn Vingoe, Peter Vingoe, John Vingoe and Martyn Vingoe so long as the natural life of Peter Vingoe, Jenkyn Vingoe John Vingoe pass to William Vingoe enshrined on his living Heirs for ever.
One shilling to the poor of the parish.
One shilling to Henry.................
See also Will of Joan Vingoe dated 1684/5
Jenkyn Vingoe was a Quaker and had cattle, sheep and corn removed from him in place of fines imposed for non payment of tithes by Justice Jones a Round Head Captain who had purchased the Farm and land at Penrose in Sennen in the early 1600's. Other farmers in the area at the time were the Ellis, Jose, Wallish, Reed, Roberts families. We know of these because the Quaker "Book of Sufferings" records the way they were treated by Captain Jones. You can read about this on my Sennen Quaker page.
When Jenkyns mother died in 1684 she left him a cow named Bloganian in her will plus her best board or Table. Captain Jones the justice sent him to prison at Launceston the same year but the "Book of Sufferings" does not mention if he also stole the cow. What the book does tell us, however, is that as well as milk cows, heifers, oxen and sheep they also grew rye and corn.
We now move on the the 19th century where we learn a lot about agriculture from an unpublished book of letters which I found in the Cornwall Study Centre at Redruth. No one knows who the author was or indeed who the letters were sent to.
Farming in West Penwith 1826
PURPOSE in the present letter to give YOU a few detached morsels of
information about the state of agriculture in this quarter.
The plan of
cultivation here is to sow one year with wheat, the next with
barley; then the field lays in grass for four, and sometimes five
years, and then come wheat and barley again.
They sow here
three bushels of wheat (Winchester measure) to the acre; and they
reckon an average crop to be 45 bushels to the acre. This is
precisely the quantities sown and reaped at Worcestershire, as I was
told by a farmer’s man on the coach.
Of barley they
sow four or five bushels to the acre, and an average crop is
reckoned 90 bushels. Of oats they sow six bushels, and the crop is
from 90 bushels to 120 bushels. Of turnips they sow a quart of seed
to an acre.
Upon an
average the farms hereabouts are 100 acres. Some few are as large as
200 acres. I am told that the small farms are the best cultivated. A
farm of 60 or 70 acres is called a handy farm, and is supposed to he
better cultivated than one of any other size.
For ploughing
they give 4s. or 5s. an acre and a “handy” man can plough an acre a
day. But he ‘will drink a gallon of beer during the day, which will
cost him 2s. For reaping wheat they give 5s. an acre, and, in some
places, a lunch and beer besides. For mowing barley, oats, or hay,
they give 4s. or 5s. an acre. In ordinary cases a man can mow an
acre a day.
The present price of wheat is 7s. 6d. a Winchester bushel, and barley 5s. 4d. per bushel. This is considered a high price for barley in proportion to wheat; and is accounted for by the demand for barley to make malt.
What they call a bushel here is equal to three Winchester bushels. A Winchester bushel they call a strike, but throughout this letter, when I say bushel, I mean the Winchester bushel
Some land is
let by the year, though it is common to grant leases for 7, 14, or
21 years. It is also usual to grant leases for three lives. All land
let for buildings is let in this way. The tenant builds a house, and
nominates three lives. When all these three people are dead, the
house belongs to the owner of the land. But generally, when the
lives get old, or one has died, the tenant makes a new agreement
with the landlord, and puts up three new lives, on condition either
of giving the landlord a sum of money, or of laying out an
additional sum on the premises. I think this a bad plan; for when
the lives are pretty far advanced, the tenant never makes any
farther improvements, because he knows not how soon the house may
fall to the landlord; and if the tenant intends to buy the reversion
(that is, to put up three new lives), he knows that the landlord
will demand a higher price in consequence of their improvements. But
land is let in the same way; If a
man has a lease of a piece of land at a rent of 40s and the lease is
to expire at the termination of three lives, the tenant has a right
to vote as a freeholder for a member for the county as long as he is
named as one of the lives. But I am told that if the lease is to
expire at the termination of three lives, or at the termination of
99 years, then the tenant has no vote. It has been usual to put in
the deed this clause about 99 years, in order to prevent the tenant
voting. But the contrary practice now prevails. Previous to the last
county election, several hundred voters are said to have been made
in this way. However, the candidates did not go to the poll, as one
of them did not like the expense.
Here they
often plough by oxen; they are also yoked to carts. In paying
turnpikes, they reckon two oxen equal to one horse; and their force
in pulling is reckoned to be in the same proportion. The only way in
which the ox is attached to the plough or cart, is by means of a
wooden yoke round his neck. I asked whether the ox could not pull
more if he were harnessed like a horse, or had a collar against his
shoulder. They said no, as the chief strength of an ox is in his
neck. The reasons which induce the farmers to employ oxen are,
first, they cost less to keep. In summer they live on grass; in
winter they live on wheat-straw—scarcely any hay. Secondly, they are
useful after they are dead. I inquired whether the flesh of a
working ox was as good as that of one which was not worked. I was
told it was better. When they intend to fatten an ox they work him
down thin. They then turn him into the pastures, and he gets fat.
All his flesh is then new flesh, and makes excellent beef. The great
objection to the use of oxen is, first, they are much weaker than
horses. At Monmouth I saw six oxen and a horse yoked to a small
cart. Secondly, they move more slowly. It must consequently take
more time and more men’s wages to plough any field.
About twenty
years ago the farmers used to keep large quantities of mules, which
they let out to carry copper ore from the mines to the wharf; and
coals from the wharf to the mines. Twenty-one mules were called a
pair of mules, and these would carry three tons of copper ore, 21
cwt. to the ton; that makes three cwt. to each mule. Each mule
carries two sacks, thrown across a saddle; the upper part of which
was wood, and came up in the middle to a point. Twenty years ago, I
used to see many pairs of these every day, but I have seen but one
pair since I have been down. Various causes have concurred to reduce
their number. First the roads are very much improved. These mules
were useful to go to mines which could not be easily approached by
carts; but so many new roads have been made, that most mines can now
be approached by a four-wheel waggon. Some waggons will carry six
tons, a pair of mules only three tons. Secondly, many of those
crofts and commons on which the mules used to be turned to feed, are
now enclosed and cultivated. Thirdly, the expense when compared with
that of horses, is proportionally greater. A mule will cost £20,
and for that money you might buy a good horse. They do not breed
mules in this part of the country, all are purchased.
Though mules
are turned upon the commons, and live hard, yet in the winter they
will eat almost as much oats as a horse. A mule being of light
weight, is unfit for draught. From these causes mules are by no
means as numerous as they were twenty years ago. Mules are much used
in Jamaica, and are exported from England to that island. From this
I should infer that in Jamaica they have but indifferent roads.
The farmers
here mow their oats and barley like hay, but the barley and the oats
are bound up in sheaves, like the wheat. The oat and barley straw is
used in the winter as fodder for the cattle, instead of hay. The
horses have hay. There is a great demand for wheat-straw by the
shipwrights, who employ it in blazing the bottom of the ships. I
mean they burn it under the ships they mend; I hardly know for what
Manure is by
no means abundant. Lime and salt have been occasionally employed by
some farmers, but not generally. They very highly value the
sea-weed, which by a north wind is sometimes thrown on the shores
near Penzance in great abundance. But the demand is immediately so
great, that if a farmer gets two loads, he thinks himself lucky.
Manure is called here dressing. It is customary to have piles of
dressing on the fields. Yesterday I passed through a field which has
just yielded wheat, and which is to be sown next spring with barley.
In this field were nearly a dozen piles of dressing. These are
raised in this way. They bring out their stable dung and straw, and
sometimes, sand, and place them in heaps. They then plough several
furrows (called here voors) across the field. They take up the earth
from these furrows, and throw it
over the heaps. They tell me, that the longer these heaps stand the
better (or, as they call it, the stronger) it gets. When they sow,
they scatter this dressing over the field.
Some farmers,
the year before they intend to sow a field with wheat, allow poor
people, for nothing, to plant (called here, to teel) potatoes in it.
This is supposed to pay the farmer well; for the wheat crop will the
next year be more abundant. But the increased crop is supposed to
arise not from any virtue in the potatoes, but from the quantities
of manure brought by the poor people who plant the potatoes.
Some time ago,
the farmers used to get from Sennen Cove vast quantities of fish,
which made excellent manure, but the catches of late years have not
been so great. I suspect, too, that the taking off the duty on salt
has diminished the quantity of fish employed in this way. While this
duty was on, the fisherman would rather sell his fish at a low
price, than go to the expense and risk of salting it; whereas now,
whatever is not immediately sold for food, is salted down for
About here,
they reckon that a bushel of the best wheat weighs ten score (200
lbs). The Quaker corn-dealers will not buy it if it weigh less than
190 lbs. Red wheat weighs rather more than the white. When ground, a
bushel of corn should produce 170 lbs. of flour, and twenty pounds
of bran. A bushel of barley weighs 160 lbs., and will produce 140
lbs. of flour. Wheat bran is used for fattening fowls and pigs.
Barley bran is good for nothing, unless to burn, it is the custom
here for every man to buy his own corn, and send it to the miller to
be ground. The miller takes as his toll, one twelfth of the quantity
ground. Some persons prefer paying in money, and then the charge for
grinding a bushel of wheat is two shillings, for a bushel of barley,
one shilling.
I told you
that some people Used sand for manure.. They always take this sand
from places over which the sea rolls when the tide is in. There are
mountains of sand near the sea, but the farmers never touch these,
because they say the sand is not so productive. A few days ago, I
saw in the Sun newspaper, a paper written some time ago, by
Dr.Paris, a physician of Penzance. He mentions this circumstance as
a proof of the utility of salt as a manure. He says the virtue is
not in the sand, but in the salt. I am inclined to be of the
doctor’s opinion, but I can vouch for nothing more than the fact.
sea-weed may owe part of its virtue to the same cause, but besides
this, it is of a fat oily nature, and is adapted admirably for
potatoes. It is used in great quantities in order to produce early
potatoes, which sell at a high price, sometimes so high as 2s. 6d. a
gallon, whereas now they are only five pence a gallon. But the
potatoes always taste of the weed. And I am told that when cows are
fed on turnips, their milk, butter, and flesh always taste of
It is the
practice hereabout for the owners of land to buy cows, and let cows
and land together to dairymen, at so much per cow. It used to be six
guineas per cow, now it is eight guineas. The tenant is obliged to
rear as many calves as the cows produce, provided the landlord is
inclined to rear them. The past year has been a bad year for the
dairymen, for during the hot weather the cows gave but little milk.
Besides the pasturage land, the tenant has usually a piece of land
on which he grows potatoes for his pigs.
They make no
oatmeal here. But they get Welsh oatmeal, which is sold at 51
shillings & 2d.
per quart, and Irish oatmeal, which is sold at 21 shillings &
2d. per pound two
pounds of Irish oatmeal are about three pints, so that the Irish is
a good deal the cheapest, but they say it is not near so good as the
A sack of
flour is supposed to be the produce of two bushels of wheat, but in
reality it never weighs more than 280 pounds.
corporation of Penzance take toll of all corn brought to the market,
and also of all corn delivered in Penzance on market days, even if
it should not be brought to the market house. Hence when the farmers
deliver corn to their regular customers in Penzance, they always
deliver it on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. These are not market
All the
farmers use shovels, which are of the form of a heart, and have
steel points, that is to say, there is steel on the upper side. They
call them shouls. This pronunciation arose, I apprehend, in former
times, when there was no difference in the form of the letters U and
V. Hence shovel might then have been written shouel, and be
pronounced shoul. The shovels with square bottoms they call spades.
These are used only in gardening. I recollect that some time ago, I
read an article in the Monthly Magazine, recommending the use of
these sharp-pointed shovels. It is very clear they require less
force to press them into the earth. For the point of the shovel acts
in the same way as the point of a nail. Besides, if there is a stone
in the way it will stop a square-bottomed shovel, but the pointed
shovel will turn it a oneside. These steel-pointed shovels are sold
by weight. A manufacturer who sells to the trade, told me that he
charged tenpence per pound. Their weight is from four to six pounds.
The miners have also
sharp-pointed shovels, but their points have no steel. These shovels
are sold by the manufacturer at £50 per ton.
Farmers sell
their cattle and their sheep to the butchers. The plan is to sell
them at so much a pound after they are killed. In regard to cattle,
it is supposed that if a butcher gives the farmer the same price at
which he sells the meat, he has made a good bargain. Because they
always go by the weight of the four quarters; and the butcher has
then the hide, the head, the bowels, the heart, the tripe, the
heels, &c. &c., for his profit. These they call here the fifth
quarter, and they have a saying that the fifth quarter is the best
quarter. A butcher told me that formerly butchers used to get the
fifth quarter, but now the farmers were become sharper and would not
let the butchers get so much.
In planting
potatoes they sow about eight or ten bushels per acre, and an
average crop is reckoned fifty-bushels.
The poor rates
are levied as in other places, at so much in the pound upon the
estimated value of the houses and lands in the parish books. The
estimated value is not much above half of the real value. In the
parish of Philack the poor rates throughout the year are about 2s.
8d. in the pound. In the parish of St. Erth, 2s. 6d. In the parish
of Guinear, 4s.
are imposed in the same way. No parson hereabouts receive his tythes
in kind. The parish of St. Erth is a vicarage, and of course there
is a layman. who receives all the large tythes. The people pay. 3s.
6d. in the pound to the layman, and 1s 6d. in the pound to their
vicar. The parish of Guinear is also a vicarage. They pay 2s. 6d. in
the pound to their vicar, and 6s. 8d. to their lay proprietor. Here
I have made a blunder, the lay proprietor is the bishop of the
diocese. The parish of Phillack is a rectory, and they pay 3s. 6d.
in the pound to their rector. But besides this the rector has a
tenth of the pigs, geese, and honey. In taking the tythe the parson
has the second best pig; that is, the farmer chooses one and the
parson’s man takes his choice of the others. But if the farmer has
only seven pigs the parson claims one.
One of the
farms in this parish was formerly in a bad state. A farmer took it
and improved it very much. The parson then claimed more tythes on
the ground, that the farm had become more productive. The farmer
objected, but it was of no use. The parson obtained the tythes.
Indeed I think it is not good policy to oppose the parson so
strongly as to give him offence. For although the present parson, it
is said, receives a good deal more than his father received, yet
still the houses are rated so low that were he inclined to be harsh,
he might probably obtain much more. Though this circumstance may be
to the honour of the individual, it forms in my opinion an objection
to the system. It is a bad system that gives one man the power to
oppress or plague another.
ABOUT the time
that you had the kindness to answer some questions of mine, that had
reference to the state of agriculture in Wiltshire, I proposed. the
same questions to an intelligent young man, who is the son of a
farmer, in the neighbouring parish of St. Erth. He wrote answers to
those questions, though he did not forward them to me, but I have
now received them, and present you with a copy. You have only to
recollect that this letter was written about two years ago.
“Agriculture is carried on very different here from what you represented it to be carried on in Wiltshire. First, we prepare the land (say from a grass field), in which, about the month of November, we sow wheat, and reap the produce in August. Afterwards we prepare the same land for early grass, clover, and trefoil seed, which are sown in the month of March or April. At other times we sow turnip seed, then plant potatoes, next wheat, and then barley, and afterwards mow hay. At other times we first sow oats, next potatoes, then wheat, and so on, as before mentioned. Then this land is let out to grass for four or five years. However it is Sometime managed different from either of the above statements, according to the views of the farmer.
The times seem to be pretty lively at present in Cornwall. This is the effect of so many mining speculations, so that labourers’ wages are rather high when compared to what they were getting two years ago.
The good old way respecting the servants living in the house with the farmer is still remaining. With regard to shepherds, there is but one in Cornwall, and he himself asserts, there is no occasion for such things.
The cottagers here are chiefly miners who have agreed with the agents of the mines for one or more months, and who take the chance of the pitch (as they call it), so that the more copper or tin they raise, the higher are their wages in proportion. Sometimes they get a start (as they term it), which brings in to the miners perhaps from ten to twenty, or even forty pounds per month, according to the price of the ore.
The miners generally like to live well, most of them live very extravagantly. Nothing but the best the land produces will suffice. They are also greatly addicted to drinking spirituous liquors.
Farming in 1838.
In 1838 the government ordered that a new tithe map and agreement be drawn up for the Sennen parish and a record made of who owned the land and who worked it. A meeting was held and an agreement made as to what tithes would be paid. and on the 30th of November 1838 the Tithe Commissioners confirmed the agreement for the commutation of tithes. The tithe map and the book that accompanies it are in the Cornwall Record Office. There is also a filmed copy at the Cornwall Studies Centre Redruth. I know of one other hard copy which is in the hands of a private individual which was bought at Auction some years ago. Working from these sources I have been able to glean the following information.
The basis of the agreement was as follows:
The whole parish of Sennen contains by estimation two thousand and fifty acres of land by statute measure.
The whole quantity of the lands of the said parish which are subject to the payment of any kind of tithes is by estimation two thousand and fifty acres by statute measure.
The whole quantity lands subject to tithes within the said parish which is cultivated or arable is by estimation four hundred and sixteen acres statute measure.
The whole quantity of land subject to tithes within the said parish cultivated as meadow or pasture land is by estimation eight hundred and thirty four acres statute measure.
There is no land subject to tithes within the said parish now cultivated as woodlands.
The whole quantity of Moor, Marsh Furze and Heath land within the said parish subject to tithes so far as such land is subject to tithes is by estimation eight hundred acres statute measure.
The under mentioned moduses or prescription or customary payments are payable instead of the under mentioned tithes of the said parish, that is to say;
For each fat bullock - one shilling; for each milch cow - six pence; for each bare cow - four pence; for each sheep - one penny; for each lamb - two pence; for the tithe of each garden - five pence; for members of the family above sixteen years of age - twopence; for each colt - two pence; for each goose above ten and under seven - one half penny.
The valuers who had been appointed then set a gross rent of five hundred and thirty pounds to be paid to the tithe owner in lieu of tithes. this had to be paid as per the schedule that they had drawn up. The valuers were: William Marrack of Penzance, John Semmons the younger of Gulval and William Richards of Penzance.
Using the map and shedule I have been able to work out the land owned or leased in Sennen in 1838. Also the amount of tithes they had to pay. You can find this information by clicking Here. Please use your back button to return to this site.
Rick Parsons the owner of the West Penwith Resources site has done a Map of the parish which will help you identify the land which was being farmed by Vingoes in the 1830's when the Tithe map was drawn up.
Using the map and shedule I have been able to work out the land owned or leased by members of the Vingoe family in 1838. Also the amount of tithes they had to pay.
Isreal Vingoe of Trevescan in the Parish of Sennen.
Isreal Vingoe farmed land at Trevescan and the Lands End as shown on the tithe map of 1838. You can click on the map to get a bigger image. Fields 481 and 547 are mentioned on the mining page 547 being called "Bellows and House" field in the tithe book of 1838 but there is no sign of any building on the map. The name has probably been passed down from the early 1700's when a smelting house was operated on the site.
On the 1838 Tithe return Isreal is shown as working the following fields, the numbers correspond with those on the maps.
land owner |
land worked by |
Number on Map |
Name & Description |
State of Cultivation |
Statute Measure a r p |
Isreal Vingoe |
Himself |
481 |
The Cliff & Lands End |
Turbury |
10 2 38 |
540 |
All Craws Meadow |
Arable |
1 . 37 |
541 |
All Craws Moor |
Arable |
1 . 12 |
543 |
Fowling Pool |
Water |
1 26 |
547 |
House & Bellows |
Arable |
1 38 |
548 |
Park Brew |
Arable |
1 3 29 |
566 |
Long Field |
Arable |
2 1 24 |
569 |
Musvoe |
Arable |
1 3 22 |
590 |
Gulveas |
Arable |
3 22 |
600 |
The Lawn |
Arable |
1 . 17 |
601 |
Waste adjoining the Road |
Waste |
25 |
604 |
Mowhay |
Homestead |
12 |
605 |
Dwelling House & plot |
Homestead |
11 |
622 |
Dwelling House & Yard |
Homestead |
10 |
623 |
Garden |
Garden |
6 |
Total Area | 23a 1r 11p | ||||
Total rent assessed to be paid £2 0s 0d |
William Vingoe of Escalls in the Parish of Sennen
William Vingoe farmed at Escalls his lands are shown in Blue
land owner |
land worked by |
Number on Map |
Name & Description |
State of Cultivation |
Statute Measure a r p |
William Vingoe |
Himself |
6a |
Corner Meadow |
Arable |
2 12 |
7 |
North Croft |
Arable |
3 7 |
11 |
Largo field |
Arable |
1 2 30 |
15 |
Little Croft |
Arable |
1 20 |
24 |
Footway field |
Arable |
1 3 25 |
27 |
Park Venton |
Arable |
1 1 24 |
30 |
The meadow |
Arable |
1 1 |
43 |
Closithen |
Arable |
1 2 26 |
55 |
Barn Mowhay |
Homestead |
9 |
58a |
Dwelling house mowhay |
Homestead |
8 |
59 |
2/3rds of a Mowhay |
Homestead |
14 |
61 |
Dwelling house |
Homestead |
3 |
71 |
Stable & part of a Mowhay |
Homestead |
3 |
89 |
Clodgy |
Arable |
1 2 |
112 |
Park an Shiptid |
Arable |
1 2 24 |
114 |
Park an Towan |
Arable |
1 1 7 |
115 |
Park an Towan |
Arable |
2 26 |
Total Area |
7a 3r 37p | ||||
Total rent assessed to be paid £1 15s 0d |
William also leased lands for the St Aubyn family of St Michael's Mount.
land owner |
land worked by |
Number on Map |
Name & Description |
State of Cultivation |
Statute Measure a r p |
St Aubyn |
W Vingoe |
66 |
Barn shelter Garden plot |
Homestead |
11 |
John Vingoe |
William Vingoe |
5 |
part of field |
Arable |
29 |
Total Area | 40p |
John Vingoe also farmed at Escalls and his fields are shown in RED on the above map
land owner |
land worked by |
Number on Map |
Name & Description |
State of Cultivation |
Statute Measure a r p |
JohnVingoe |
himself |
22 |
Meadow |
1 32 |
" |
" |
25 |
Parc Venton |
Arable |
1 |
" |
" |
28 |
The Meadow |
Arable |
2 33 |
" |
" |
29 |
Lower Meadow |
Arable |
2 34 |
" |
" |
31 |
Closithen |
Arable |
5 36 |
" |
" |
35 |
The Oath |
Arable |
2 20 |
" |
" |
36 |
The Oathe |
Arable |
3 75 |
" |
" |
49 |
Cottage & Mowhay |
Homestead |
34 |
" |
" |
57 |
2 x cottages & Mowhay |
" |
2 |
" |
" |
69 |
Cottage & Mowhay |
" |
15 |
" |
88 |
Parc Trevorran |
Arable |
1 2 23 |
" |
" |
78 |
Cliff Field |
Arable |
2 28 |
" |
" |
18 |
Lane Field |
Arable |
3 8 |
" |
" |
82 |
Three Cornered Field |
Arable |
3 22 |
" |
" |
93 |
Meadow |
Arable |
1 35 |
" |
" |
106 |
Square Field |
Arable |
1 2 0 |
" |
" |
107 |
Meadow |
Arable |
1 1 6 |
" |
" |
103 |
Parc Plymouth |
Arable |
1 4 |
" |
" |
103a |
Dwelling House & Garden |
Home & Garden |
13 |
" |
" |
103b |
Dwelling house & Plot |
Home & Garden |
4 |
" |
" |
103c |
Dwelling house & Plot |
Home & Garden |
4 |